Currently no new planned events. To be continued!
I am Christian Nijhof and I created this website to share my experiences and inspire others on the journey of discovering your own 'self'. To regain your own power and stand up for who you are. With the motivation to lead a free life that your heart desires. I do this by writing, inspiring, sharing knowledge, and making music.
"Inspire, create, facilitate, and make music for a better world!
Improving your world really starts with yourself.
The only journey you need to make is: ‘The journey from head to heart’. Read my personal experiences in my first book: ‘TRAVELING ALONE'
Currently no new planned events. To be continued!
Woensdag 11 september – Music From my head to my heart. – (besloten)
Saturday, Oct. 14 - 10:20 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 10 - 8 p.m. Music From my head to my heart. Embark on a journey from head to heart
Achievement, materialism, living with fears and prejudices: you can take steps to do things differently. This book shows the discovery of another way.
A story about an inner journey to discover yourself, going back to your essence. About a search for answers to life questions, the growth process in development, getting out of your comfort zone, trusting your feeling, inner knowing and going with 'the flow'.
From surviving to living!
Discover that you are the creator of your own life!
Traveling alone: a spiritual journey back to your essence.
The book 'TRAVELING ALONE' provides insights to live from your own power and stand up for who you are. Inspiration for a journey to become aware of who you are to further discover your own "I" to live a free life.
An exploration of your essence!
You are the creator of your own life.
‘Alleen Op Reis’ is Verkrijgbaar Voor € 19,95 exclusief verzendkosten
Update: op veler verzoek binnenkort ook in het Engels verkrijgbaar!
Een organisatie consultant en muzikant die zijn leven heeft omgegooid.
Inspireren, creëren, faciliteren en musiceren voor een betere wereld.
Web design and realization by: Website Digitaal